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Kathy Vendel & The Northgate Team sell more homes in Northgate than any other realtor. In 2023, Kathy’s Team sold FOUR TIMES as many Northgate homes as the #2 agent.
Kathy’s trademarked Launch™ program consistently delivers more value to Northgate homeowners – that means more money and less time to sell your home. Her average days on market is currently 5 DAYS.
For example, 87 homes were sold in Northgate in 2023. Kathy sold 16 of them. Compare the results. Kathy’s average sold price per square foot is $56 higher than other agents (8% higher), and averaging 17 fewer days on market. With the average Northgate home size being 2,433 square feet, this translates to more than $135,000 additional value to the Seller as compared to other agents.
Every home is unique. Let Kathy’s Northgate Team guide you on the steps to a profitable home sale. To start the ball rolling, call or text Kathy to schedule a quick visit to your home. 925-980-3951
Latest Sales Reports
NEW! Released 2/4/2024.
Northgate 2023 Full Year Sales Report: Sale prices for all 87 Northgate homes sold in 2023.
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